Here I am on a bad day! Lol.

There are plenty of bad days with Pyrrole Disorder. Whether we do too much and wear ourselves out, or whether we eat the wrong foods, or don’t take our supplements, or perhaps all three! It’s not easy staying on the wholistic Pyrrole treatment program every single day. And when we don’t the wheels can fall off. Everyone has different symptoms and reactions. For me, I mostly feel like I’ve been hit by a bus. For someone else, it may be deep depression, for another extreme anxiety etc etc. So what do I do when I have a bad day? Get back on the formula quick smart…  rest, relaxation, supplements, lots of water and very clean eating to clear the gut. Clean eating for me is no artificial anything, no amines, salicylates, less carbs and less sugar.  Different people have different food sensitivities so for you it might be no gluten or lactose. The safest clean eating is eating failsafe foods. View to find out more.

So here is my latest (real and raw) video…

Celina x